Senin, 29 Oktober 2007

Use Tobacco? You may qualify for Non-Smoker Life Insurance Rates.

Assuming all other factors are constant, people who smoke pay two to three times more for Life Insurance than people who don’t.

However, several Term Life companies now offer non-smoker rates for people who meet their underwriting guidelines. The challenge is knowing which company offers the best rates for you.

Let’s say you smoke cigars. One highly rated Term Life Insurance company offers non-smoker rates if you puff up to 52 cigars a year. Another allows 48 a year. Still another allows only 12 a year.

When it comes to cigarettes, most Life Insurance companies charge smoker rates if you light up as little as one cigarette during the past year. However, if you have quit smoking for at least a year, there is a good chance you can qualify for non-smoker rates. You may even qualify for a non-tobacco rate with daily use of cigars, pipes or chewing tobacco. Again it’s all about choosing the right company for you.

The same goes for people who use smokeless tobacco or other nicotine products.

The easiest way to determine the Life Insurance company with the best rates for you, is to contact an independent sales agency like SelectQuote with experienced, impartial agents that represent a number of highly rated Life Insurance companies that specialize in different risks.

SelectQuote has exclusive videos of Suze Orman offering impartial advice on buying Life Insurance.

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Related : Use Tobacco? You may qualify for Non-Smoker Life Insurance Rates.

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