Rabu, 31 Oktober 2007

Has your Life Insurance kept up with your Life?

Just as your cars need a tune up occasionally to keep them at optimum performance, so does your Life Insurance. During the years since you p...
Selasa, 30 Oktober 2007

BTID Life Insurance. What does it mean?

It’s a short hand term many financial planners use and it means: Buy Term Life Insurance and invest the difference. The difference they are ...
Senin, 29 Oktober 2007

Use Tobacco? You may qualify for Non-Smoker Life Insurance Rates.

Assuming all other factors are constant, people who smoke pay two to three times more for Life Insurance than people who don’t. However, sev...
Jumat, 26 Oktober 2007

Can Diabetics get Life Insurance?

If you have Type 2 (Adult Onset) Diabetes, and you control it well, the answer is frequently, “yes.” What’s more, if you choose the right L...
Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007
Rabu, 24 Oktober 2007

What are Life Insurance rates based on?

Life insurance premiums are as individual as your fingerprint. They’re based on your “risk profile” which is measured for the most part by y...
Selasa, 23 Oktober 2007

Can my Life Insurance rate be lowered after I have a policy?

Let’s say you were overweight when you first bought Life Insurance. Or you smoked, but you’ve quit for more than a year. If you have resolve...
Senin, 22 Oktober 2007

In a hurry for Life Insurance? Hate needles? Good news.

A highly rated Term Life Insurance company now offers up to $300,000 in coverage and, if you qualify, you can have your policy approved in j...
Kamis, 18 Oktober 2007

Comparing Permanent and Term Life Insurance.

Life Insurance policies fall into just two basic categories: Term and Permanent. Understanding the differences between these two will help y...
Rabu, 17 Oktober 2007

What a difference a few dollars can make buying Term Life Insurance

For pure, no-nonsense financial protection for your family most financial experts agree nothing beats Term Life Insurance. Unlike almost eve...
Jumat, 05 Oktober 2007

The Steps to getting a Life Insurance Policy

Many people who buy Life Insurance for the first time are surprised at the length of time it takes to get a policy. In most cases the steps ...
Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007

Life Insurance can maximize Retirement Benefits

With a traditional or defined-benefit pension plan, you have to make a choice at retirement. You can take full benefits for as long as you l...
Selasa, 02 Oktober 2007

Does a spouse need Life Insurance?

If both you and your spouse work, and you depend upon both incomes to keep afloat financially, you both need Life Insurance. Term Life Insur...