Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

Should We Use All Our CPF for Housing or Save It for Retirement?

Most of us know CPF can be utilised for housing. Now comes the question if we should use all our CPF for housing? I have written a few artic...
Senin, 25 Januari 2016

Refinancing Your Housing Loan To Fixed Rates When Interest Rates Are Rising

Interest rates are rising and is still rising. Back in 2013, I started to write about the possibility of a rise in interest rates which will...
Kamis, 21 Januari 2016

No Medisave Minimum Sum From 1 January 2016 – Here Is What You Need To Know About It

This article was first published by DollarsAndSense.sg During the Singapore Budget earlier this year, an announcement was made pertaining to...
Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

Can I Buy A Private Property If I Own A HDB?

In the past, there were many people who bought private properties and made a lot of money when they sold it at a much higher price later. So...
Selasa, 12 Januari 2016

The Art Of Investing

Investing seems like the easy way where we can make our fortune or can give us a hope for a better life. There are so many ways to investing...
Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

Investing Your First $20,000

This is going to be my first post for the new year 2016. Thinking back when I first started investing, it wasn't a really smooth sailing...