Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

The Power Of Dividend Investing [Part 1]

There have been a number of emails from readers asking me how to calculate or get a decent dividend yield from investing in stocks. I've...
Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Never Rely On CPF For Your Retirement?

In my previous post on " You Can Never Retire If You Only Save 10% Of Your Income ", I said if we only save 10% of our income, it ...
Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Become a Savvier Online Shopper: 5 Tricks and Tips to Note!

It’s time to face up to the facts - online shopping is in. With retail therapy conveniently moving online, physical shopping might very well...
Kamis, 11 Juni 2015

Earn As Much As You Can But Never Sacrifice Your Soul To Do It

Money..... The most important aspect of our lives? Or is it not? From the day we graduate from school and enter the corporate world, we devo...
Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

You Can Never Retire If You Only Save 10% Of Your Income

Saving 10% of income is better than not saving any money at all? That's what a lot of people say. But, is it wise to save only 10% of ou...
Kamis, 04 Juni 2015

Saving For Retirement or Creating Income For Retirement?

Let me tell you the truth, saving for retirement no longer works in Singapore. If you're living in another high cost of living city like...
Selasa, 02 Juni 2015

The Top Down Approach To Investing

Many people have asked me how do they start investing? There are so many ways and so many techniques to investing that it makes a lot of peo...