Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Never Be Complacent - Lee Kuan Yew in the 1970s

This whole week, Singapore seem to come to a stand still as the nation mourns on the passing of our first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew. The s...
Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Do You Really Need A Financial Advisor?

In Singapore, financial advisers are often associated with the insurance industry. My first encounter with a financial advisor was when I wa...
Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Singapore Will Survive - ‪#‎ThankyouLKY‬

For the past few weeks, Singaporeans have been coming together to show support for our first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew who is still warde...
Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

[LIVE Event] Singapore Financial Conference 2015

Risks in the financial industry has always been there and if we're not careful, we could all be on the road to another crisis. The finan...
Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

The Thought Process Behind Spending Money

Its so hard to save money but easy to spend money. Do you agree? Most of us would agree to the above statement. We have always been told tha...
Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

A Rich Life With Less Stuff - The Minimalists

Does having more material possessions make us happier and richer in life? In today's world, we have so many things to choose from and it...
Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Financial Education Can Make a Difference in Our Lives

There have been calls to improve financial literacy by different groups of people and government agencies are also stepping up efforts to pr...
Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

How I Amassed More Than $120,000 After 4.5 Years of Work

Is it possible to save up $120,000 in just 4.5 years of work? Just a few days ago, I was doing a financial health check for myself using an ...
Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Finding Your Passion and Keeping It Alive

Life is a journey and will always be a journey. I was chatting with a few colleagues during lunch and somehow we realised how fast time has ...