Jumat, 28 September 2007

Why Life Insurance Quotes can be misleading

Chances are you’ve gotten conflicting quotes if you’ve shopped several online companies for Term Life Insurance. The varying estimates you r...
Kamis, 27 September 2007

Life Insurance for Adult Dependent Children

For most families, the primary value of Life Insurance is to protect a spouse and children until their children have completed their educati...
Selasa, 25 September 2007

The Life Insurance Secret most people don’t know

The proceeds from a Life Insurance policy enjoy a special benefit many people aren’t aware of. They’re tax free. And with Term Life Insuranc...
Senin, 24 September 2007

5 Top Questions about Life Insurance

1) Do I need a medical exam before getting a Life Insurance policy? In most cases, yes. It’s free and the Life Insurance company you choose...
Jumat, 21 September 2007

Questions to ask about Life Insurance from Work

1. Can you take your Life Insurance with you? Many group policies end when you end your employment. And, if you can continue with your group...
Kamis, 20 September 2007

Suze Orman on Life Insurance

The following except is from a Suze Orman column in the Seattle Post Intelligencer, May 23, 2007. As for other ways to protect yourself and ...
Rabu, 19 September 2007

Good scores on your Life Insurance physical can pay off big

We used a $500,000 policy from Banner Life* with a 20 year term. as an example. A 45-year-old male would pay $1,205 a year for this policy h...
Selasa, 18 September 2007

Buying Life Insurance: 6 Costly Mistakes

1. Buying too much Life Insurance. New parents and new homeowners are susceptible here because you feel especially vulnerable. Get out your ...
Senin, 17 September 2007

6 ways to Ace your Life Insurance Medical Exam

The results of your Life Insurance physical have a big influence what rate you’ll pay.. Here are some easy ways to make sure you do your bes...
Jumat, 14 September 2007

4 Facts you need to know before buying Term Life Insurance

1. Your price is based on your “risk” profile — your age, height and weight, health, family health history, occupation and hobbies. To get y...